Avalon Institute.
At Avalon Healing Center, we believe that education is a foundational and transformative tool for eradicating sexual violence and enhancing the quality of care for sexual assault survivors.
Through the Avalon Institute e-learning platform, we are dedicated to expanding educational opportunities for service providers and community members who engage with sexual assault survivors. Trainings focus on increasing skill sets and empathy, resulting in improved survivor-centered and culturally competent care for all who are impacted by sexual violence. Now everyone, from our local community to those across the globe, can access both free and at-cost education and training opportunities from our skilled staff, survivors, and other community experts.
Avalon Institute’s library of training opportunities include topics such as Human Trafficking, Advocacy for Survivors of Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault and the Criminal Justice System, Neurobiology of Trauma, and Trauma Informed Care.
For more information on Avalon Institute please contact:
Rossi Clark
Outreach and Education Coordinator