Avalon Healing Center in Detroit, MI, is here to assist individuals who have been sexually assaulted. This includes individuals of all genders, ages, races, and religions. Our services are available for anyone who identifies as a survivor of rape, incest, or sexual assault, no matter when or where it occurred. We are a safe place where there is no judgment and only professional, compassionate care and support. Our goal is to provide victims of sexual assault with the services they need to collect evidence, complete the required medical exams, and utilize the follow-up services we offer to begin the healing process. As a non-profit center designed to provide trauma-informed care, we strive to provide confidential, caring, and free services from Sexual Assault Forensic examinations to counseling and advocacy for anyone requiring support after sexual assault, sexual abuse, or incest.
Avalon Healing Center is designed to support acute assault as well as non-acute assault victims. As an Acute Assault Center in Detroit, MI, we offer sexual assault medical and forensic exams, eliminating the need for victims to go to the hospital unless they need emergency medical care. Our services for non-acute assault, or assault that occurred more than 5 days ago, include a medical forensic exam for sexual assault and follow-up treatment and counseling. We are a 24 hours sexual assault center providing rape victim support throughout Detroit, MI, and the surrounding areas. Our teams understand the difficulties victims face. We work to support you in obtaining the medical care and the support needed after a rape or sexual assault occurs.
AVALON services are FREE and confidential.
Acute Assault
(120 hours)
If you have been assaulted within the last 5 days (or 120 hours), you are eligible for a medical-forensic exam, otherwise known as a "rape kit". This is both a medical exam (to evaluate for injury and provide medications) and a forensic exam (to collect evidence). Our medical team can help determine if you should go to the nearest emergency room, or if you can come directly to one of our 5 clinic locations for an exam.
If you are able, try to preserve evidence of the assault. This could be clothing, bedding, undergarments or physical evidence on your body.
If at all possible, try not to bathe, wash, urinate or brush your teeth. Try to avoid eating or drinking anything.
You do not need to file a police report for a medical-forensic exam.
Call our Crisis Number: 313-474-SAFE and press 1 # to speak with a member of our medical team to discuss your options and have your questions answered.
Non-Acute Assault
(More than 120 hrs)
If you have been assaulted more than 5 days ago (more than 120 hrs), we can still help! Our medical team can help determine if you should go to the nearest emergency room, or if you can come directly to one of our 5 clinic locations for an exam.
You may be eligible for medical treatment and follow up at our Avalon Wellness Clinic.
Avalon also provides many different services that you may find helpful at this time - see the ‘Services’ Tab on our homepage for more details.
To discuss your options, call and speak to one of our advocates at 313-964-9701 Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm.
If outside normal business hours, you can also reach the on-call advocate through our Crisis Number: 313-474-SAFE and choose option 2 #.
news and updates from Avalon.

Overview of services.
If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted recently or sometime in the past, we can help. Avalon Healing Center offers a wide range of services to meet the needs of survivors in a variety of ways.