Notice Regarding COVID-19


Following Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order to “Stay at Home, Stay Safe”, WCSAFE will be extending the closure of our administrative office through April 13, 2020.

We are acutely aware that during these times of isolation, survivors may be at an increased risk for violence and it is imperative we provide them with as much support as we safely can. This is an incredibly difficult challenge as we must also consider the health and welfare of staff and survivors alike, and how we can balance providing critical support while also observing global recommendations.


  • Critical services including medical forensic and crisis intervention will continue at all 5 of our clinic sites. Survivors in need of medical forensic care may continue to contact us directly at 313-430-8000 ~ 24hours a day.
  • Survivors who wish not to be seen in a hospital clinic site (and who do NOT require medical care/evaluation for flu-like symptoms), will be given the option to be seen for their exam in one of our private clinic locations.
  • Due to the Governor’s Order of Stay Home, Stay Safe, our administrative building (The Block, 2727 2nd Ave, Detroit, MI 48201) has been closed to the general public and therefore we are no longer able to accept walk-ins. Please check out our website:
  • Our main business line remains open, Monday – Friday, from 9am – 5pm. We continue to be available to assist clients with crisis support, counseling and personal advocacy needs. Calls will be answered by one of our WCSAFE staff and dispatched to counselors/advocates who will be working remotely from home. Our business line # is 313-964-9701
  • We will continue to provide in-person legal advocacy, such as court accompaniment, assistance with filing a police report or assistance with PPO’s as the local courts will allow. Please contact our business line and ask to speak to an advocate for assistance in determining what procedures courts/precincts are following.
  • We are actively exploring options to offer telehealth and mobile advocacy services and will be providing updates as these services become available.

This plan will be evaluated on April 13, 2020. All updates will be provided at that time.